Wing Wednesday


Dr. Pepper Glazed Chicken Wings 

2 Pound Chicken Wings (whole wings not party wings) 

Chicken Seasoning ( recipe Be 

Dr. Pepper Glaze ( Recipe Below) 

Peanut Oil For frying 

Dutch Oven or Heavy Bottom Pan for Frying 


  1. 1-2 Days before Season chicken wings generously with chicken seasoning 

  2. Heat Dutch oven, fry daddy to 250 degrees in small batches fry wings for 20 minutes ( at this point wings can be frozen or refrigerated until ready for use)  

  3. Once all the wings have been cooked and drained, heat the oil to 400 degrees

  4. Cook the drained room temperature wings at 400 degrees until crispy

  5. Toss on Glaze and serve!

Chicken Seasoning 

In food processor or coffee grinder add the following seasoning and blend, blend, blend. 

¾ teaspoon ground celery seed

¾ teaspoon ground yellow mustard 

½ teaspoon dry bay leafs

½ teaspoon granulated garlic powder 

¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes 

½ teaspoon smoked paprika 

½ teaspoon black pepper 

¼ teaspoon dry thyme 

1-ounce kosher salt 

Dr. Pepper Glaze 

1 pound butter (unsalted) 

3 cups brown sugar 

¾ cup Dijon mustard 

10 Dr. Pepper 

  1. In heavy bottom pot on medium heat, melt butter one butter is melted and frothy stir in brown sugar and mustard 

  2. Simmer and frequently stir until mixture is thick and completely incorporated 

  3. Stir in the Dr. Pepper and let reduce 5-7 minutes stirring frequently 

  4. Toss on wings or ham 



Roasted Carrot Soup


Juneteenth 2019